Jumat, 11 Maret 2011




Lectured by:

NIM : 10521052



By: Monika Putri Ardaningtyas


According to the basic concepts or theories of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) in which ESP is the way of learning English language which more concentrates on language in certain context (it can be in science, technology, medicine, leisure, business, tourisms and industry, and academic purpose/learning). In its paradigm, the target of ESP learning is in order to communicate a set of professional skills and to perform particular job-related function. That area is usually we call with the term Public Speaking, an important skill in communicating knowledge and expressing ideas to groups of people. For example in Studium Generale Agenda, in which has been hold in Auditoriums of Slamet Riyadi University, on September 28th 2010. There are some aspects of ESP which is in the specific ones is in seminar occasion.
Here in this paper, the observer wants to give her ideas and analysis in related with this ESP observation project. Hopefully, after observing and reporting the paper, the observer would know well about some principle involving the historical development and existing practice in ESP, especially in Studium Generale context.


The observation result of English for Specific Purposes in Studiums Generale Agenda, in which has been hold in Auditoriums of Slamet Riyadi University, on September 28th 2010 in this paper the observer will discuss some key issues surrounding the field of ESP context in Studium Generale.
In this analysis, the researcher focus on the specific vocabulary and the unique language skills those in a given field are likely to require. English for specific purposes is closely connected to language for professional purposes, where speakers of English as a foreign or second language have to learn how to use language in areas or situation where they to deal with.
Some aspects in Studiun general are can be analysis as follows:
1. Topic of Studium General
The topic of this Stadium Generale is ‘Exploring Education on Culture. ’ I think this topic is relevant with the context and audience. As we know that the audiences are the college students of English department of Slamet Riyadi University. Because language learning has close relationship, even it can not be separated with culture study, therefore education; language education, has close relationship with culture study.

2. Audience Analysis
Analyzing audiences is an activity by getting as much information about the audience as the public speakers can. By this activity, they can get some information which will help them to prepare a good speech theme that is relevant, suitable and also interesting to them. These are some aspect in analyzing the audience:
a. Age range; the audience age range is between 18 to 35 years old, except for several guest or committee (lectures, dean, etc).
b. Sex Distribution; they are both man and women.
c. Occupations; the audience occupation are college students, especially, English department college students.
d. General Background; the general backgrounds of the audience are college students who has high perception in education and culture.

3. Language Style Usage
Language Style means language style or language type used in this occasion. It can be defined as the usage of words, phrase, sentences, paragraphs, and the whole component of speaking. The way of choosing in using language style is similar like when we are choosing our dress code, our house or even our life partner. It is very privacy and based on our own need, our own characteristics, and our own image. But in general, the principal of language style in presentation are as follows:
a. Short and Clear; in this occasion, when the head committee gave her speech the diction and the choices of words are very clear and simple (not ambiguous) so the audience can understand it easily and the duration is relative short, so that’s why the audience not bored.
b. Concrete; the speaker, both Mrs. Soewalni and Brian are also use several concrete words, which are correct and suitable with the context of speaking and representative similar with the speakers want.
c. Concise; when Miss Fenty delivered her speech with the choice of words in concise ways.
d. Colorful; the diction are very interesting, colorful, not monotone, and even stimulating the audience to laughs. Moreover when Brian says something in Javanese accent, it arouses some laughs from the audiences. (Brian said:, “Wilujeng siang”, “Sami-sami”, “Njih”)
e. Current and Cautions; the language style in this occasion is sometimes was also current or up to date like our era especially in our context, Solo area.
f. Humor usage; here in this occasion, in every section, the speakers are also inserting the usage of humor which is suitable with the topic, so the audiences can get fascinating atmospheres and can laugh.

While, from volume and speed aspect, the speakers tends to speak loudly and not too slow and not too fast. From the perspective tone and inflection, almost the speaker can tend to be good management in their tone and inflection ones.

4. Visual Aids
Visual Aids are everything which can be used to help or to make a speech clearer interesting and more powerful. They add variety, capture attention, illustration concepts and attention illustration concepts and provide entertainment. The goals of visual aids usage is to help the presentation information more interesting and easier to understanding and remember. Therefore in short, the benefit of visual aids are for: getting the audience attention, stimulating the audience’s interests, illustrating un-verbally components in speaking, so the audiences can actually see and experience what the speaker are talking about. Usually visual aids can be in the form of PowerPoint slide, graphic, picture, photo, video, quotations, data-report, research-report, object, model, charts, diagram, and even physical demonstration etc. During this kuliah perdana those several visual aids are LCD with power point, gamelan tools.

5. Body language
In all public speakers, they give two speeches at the same time, both the one that is heard (verbal language) and the one that is seen (nonverbal language). The use of body language, posture, eye contact, facial expression, and gesture, will give some affect and react between the speakers themselves and their audience.
Here some people who involved in this occasion are also play it, such as:
a. Master Ceremony (MC) looks the audiences in the eye, improve their posture (standing up with the right position with their clue card of MC-ing and microphone in their hand) and use of gesture, and use decisive-sounding pattern.
b. Miss Fenty Kusumastuti, S, S is also used some body language in her existence in Studium Generale, when she was delivering her speech as head committee of Studium Generale. For example; she walks to the front of podium and back to her sit with her head up, her spine straight, and her shoulders back.
c. Mr. Yudhistira, S. S as moderator in this occasion is also using some body language. His good eye contact with the first speaker (Mrs. Soewalni, M.Pd) and audiences is also essential for becoming an effective communicator.
d. Almost the speakers in this occasion, such as: the MC, Mr. Yudhistira, S. S as the moderator, Mrs. Soewalni, M.Pd as the first speaker, Miss Fenty Kusumastuti, S.S, as head committee, Brian as the second speaker, etc are used facial expression like smile as face expression to establish rapport with their audience and to help put both they and their audience at ease. The small & little smile will be fine before the speaker speak; it will give our audience the impression that we are confident and looking forward to speaking.
e. The speakers are also got movement, hand and arm movement while they are speaking. For example: When Brian shows that his enthusiasm for an idea, he is
Punch the air with his fist to show his enthusiasm for something.

6. Dress Code
In public speaking, like stadium general, the aspect of physical appearance, like the way of people in choosing or wearing clothing, color clothing, hairstyles, and other factors affecting appearance are also considered a means of nonverbal communication. Some research on color psychology has demonstrated that different colors can invoke different moods. Appearance can also alter physiological reactions, judgment, and interpretations.
During this stadium general, the first speaker, Mrs. Soewalni M.Pd, was wearing a pink blazer with broses as accessories, and formal shoes. While, Brian, the second speaker, he was wearing a black semi-jazz and formal shoes.

7. Overal Management
The overall management of public speaking in Studium Generale occasion is concerned with the language features which is here the writter divided into several figures, they are MC, the moderator, the speakers of presentation. In every difference job description as those mentions above, the use of feature language is also different, for example when MC want to open the program, the expression will different with the opening expression delivered by the speaker of presentation. The body of speaking of the speaker is also different with other form of speaking, e.g, speaking in daily conversation. And when the MC wants to close the program, its expression is almost different with the closing expression from the speaker of presentation.
In this paper, the writer wants to discuss about the special expression which is usually used by the public speakers, like MC, moderator, and the speakers of presentation in delivering their presentation.

a. MC (Master ceremony)
Master Ceremony (MC) is a person in certain social occasion who master and control the whole program and is the most responsible person for the success of a program. In this Stadium General, MC open do their job as master ceremony by saying like these:
Salam Greeting  Good morning
Sapaan Addresses  The Honorable………
 Ladies and gentlemen
Selamat datang dan kata pembuka Welcoming and opening words  Welcome to the ……….
Pembacaan Acara Reading the agenda  Here are the agenda of the day
Mengumumkan sambutan Announcing a speech  Ladies and gentlemet, the first speech of (welcome) would be delivered by …………
 We would like to invite ……….. to deliver his/her (welcoming address) address
Memberikan tempat dan waktu Giving the floor/inviting the person to speak  Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to …..
 ………….. the floor is yours.
Berterimakasih kepada pembicara Thanking the speaker Thank you, …………….
Menyampaikan acara berikutnya Announcing the following item of the program Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, we will present you with performing arts by …..
CMeminta orang/kelompok untuk tampil Inviting persons to the stage  Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present (the head committee speech)……
 Ladies and gentlemen,……………
Menutup acara Closing  We would like to extend our appreciation for attending this meeting; have a nice day/evening.

b. Head Committee Speech
Here in this occasion, the head committee is Miss Fenti Kusumastuti, S.S, so the head committee speech is delivered by hers. In simple ways, her speech is opened by saying:
Sapaan&Salam Greeting&Addresses Bpk Drs,…
Ibu Dra…..
All lectures and …..students of English Departement.
Good Morning, How are you this morning?
Kata pembukaan Opening Statement What do you think about the debate?...
Do you like it? Do you want to be part of that?...
Hopefully that you can join us in the next contest…
Pembuka Pidato Opening Speech In this occasion, we can altogether here in Slamet Riyadi University to celebrate the initial study (Studium General) and the theme ‘Exploring Culture in Education’.
Isi Pidato Body of Speech The first speaker is Ibu Dra. Soewalni, M.Pd
The second speaker is Brian Thomas, native speaker from New York, who is studying Karawitan major in ISI.
The supported of this occasion are ……
Penutup Pidato Sambutan Closing Speech And to add the conclusion, enjoy yourself, and fasten your seat-belts, thank and Have a nice day.

c. Moderator and the speaker of presentation
Moderator is a person who has the duty to be partner of the speaker of presentation. In this occasion there are two speakers of presentation.

a. The first speaker is Ibu Dra. Soewalni, M.Pd with Mr. Yudhistira as the moderator, and in this first section Indonesian language is used all of the time.
b. The second speaker is Brian Thomas, native speaker from New York, who is criminologist and is studying Karawitan major in ISI, and in this section, they were used three-lingual (English, Indonesia, and sometimes Javanese).

In this occasion, Mr. Dion is to be a semi-modern moderator, in which the term of presentation is like talk show (question and answer with Brian). And here the language is also in three languages (English, Indonesia, and Javanese language) and he is also to be translator in this talk-show. For example of the little script of that talk-show is like this:
Kata pembukaan (Sapaan&Salam) Opening the seminar with greeting and opening words Good Morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
It is an honor for me to be the moderator of our seminar today.
Prakata penting di awal seminar Giving the audience some important on the seminar The seminar today is on………..(the theme/topic)
Membacakan susunan acara selama seminar Telling the audience the arrangement of the seminar Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to read the arrangement of our seminar today…
Memimpi doa pembukaan Leading the opening prayer Ladies and gentlemen, let us start our seminar with a prayer. Thank you
Memperkenalkan diri sebgaia moderator Self- Introduction of the moderator First of all I’d like to introduce myself. I’m …
Membacakan CV (Curriculun Vitae singkat) dari si penyaji makalah Reading the presenter/the speaker of presentation’s CV Our presenter today is …….
He was born on…. In…..
His education is in ….
He is now in …..
Mengundang/menawarkan sesi pertanyaan
Inviting the questions Now, I’d like to invite the audience to give comment or question to the presenter. Please raise your hand and tell me your name.
For the first term, I’d like to invite three questions.
Yes, Mr./Miss……could you please ask your question briefly and clearly.
Berterimakasih atas pertanyaan yang diajukan Thanking for the questions Well, thank you for your great questions.
Mengundang si penyaji makalan untuk memberikan jawaban/tanggapan dari pertanyaan peserta Inviting the presenter /the speaker of presentation to give responses/answer on the audience’s question Mr/Mrs……. , could you please now take the floor again to answer the questions.
Kesimpulan Seminar Concluding the seminar The conclusion is …..
Menutup seminar Closing the seminar Ladies and gentlemen, let us give an applause to the presenter.
Menutup dengan doa penutupan Leading the closing prayer and saying goodbye Now let us pray to end our seminar. Thank you.

‘Brian, would you please tell about yourself?’ ‘Well, my name’s Brian, matur suwun sanget,
Aku baca kalimat …..’
‘Why do you take gamelan?
How come, bagaimana seorang kriminolog tertarik dengan gamelan.’ ‘Gamelan merdu sekali, menarik sekali.
In America, music is can be sell. So I decided to make music to take money.’

Finally, based on the problem in introduction and discussion-analysis chapter, from the examples presented in this paper, the observer then comes to the conclusion of the study. From the discussion in the previous chapter, the observer could draw some points, such as follows:
1. The characteristics, techniques, vocabulary and the goals of language features in English for Specific Purposes are a little bit different with English for everyday conversation or English in general.
2. The written/spoken discourse and non-spoken one and some variety of specialized contexts (academic and non-academic) in which English is used are also different in apply to particular English for specific purposes situations, especially those that the student is familiar with, in the context of accepted contemporary professional practice, such us: Studium Generale, Seminar, Workshop, etc.




Mulyana, Yayan., ed., 2008. A Practical Guide English for Public Speaking, Kesaint Blanc, Jakarta.

Dale paulette, Wolf, James, et all. Second Edition. Speech Communication Made Simple, Longman, Miami-Dade Community College.

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