Senin, 21 Maret 2011

Is it possible teaching English Subject by using 100% English language as working/intermediate language?????

I think teaching English using 100 % English language can be applied, but with some consideration, such as: class condition/class type.
If we teach English in International school, teaching by using 100% English Subject is absolutely. Since we know their competency in learning English. Talking about this issue, I got a suggestion to learn about CALLAN METHOD. Here at glance I know that, It is can be assumed as new style in teaching English. There are actually many sites on the web that pertain to the Callan Method of teaching English. There are some PDF files that will help us and some schools in London that can also lend us assistance.
On the other hand, if we teach English in ordinary school/conventional school whose ordinary students' English competency, I think teaching by using 100% English language is not the best choice. Since we realize that teaching English can not be separated with the contribution of culture in every country. Each country has their own certain vocabulary, so if we teach without sometimes translate it into the native speaker' language, I think it's impossible. Even for RSBI program in Indonesia, in the real implementation of real standard of international, in teaching English and other subject, some teacher are still have had teaching use their Indonesian language during class activities. I think and believe that mother tongue and first language still become part of the teacher habitually, even they speak proficiently in English and great in teaching.

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011



Definisi Public Relation merupakan keseluruhan atau segenap upaya yang dilakukan secara terencana dan berkesinambungan dalam rangka menciptakan dan memelihara niat baik (good will), dan saling pengertian antara suatu organisasi atau bahkan diri manusia pribadi dengan segenap khalayaknya.
Upaya yang dilakukan secara terencana dan berkesinambungan ini mengandung makna adalah suatu rangkaian kegiatan yang diorganisasikan sebagai rangkaian kampanye atau program terpadu yang berlangsung secara berkesinambungan.
Sedangkan tujuan utama dalam ke-PRan adalah membangun dan memelihara saling pengertian baik natara individu pribadi dengan khalayak umum, atau antara sebuah instansi dengankhalayak umum.

Profesi yang berkembang dalam dunia Public Relation di masa kini sangatlah berkembang dan variatif. Profesi yang bisa dikembangkan dengan dasar ilmu Public Relation antara lain adalah:
1. Akademisi (pengajar maupun dosen PR)
2. Konsultan Public Relation (Praktisi PR )
3. In House Public Relation (Staff PR di sebuah lembaga, institusi, maupun instansi)

Peluang kerja di bidang Public Relation di masa yang sangat komplek ini sangatlah luas. Beberapa analisa di bawah ini, antara lain:
1. Corporate Public Relation
2. Marketing Public Relation
3. Press Relation
4. Community Development
5. External Relation dan Internal Relation
Sebagai bentuk tanggung jawab sosial serta kepedulian terhadap lingkungan sekitar, biasanya sebuah instansi tertentu menyelenggarakan kegiatan tertentu sebagai contoh :
a. The Sunan Hotel Solo merancang program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang mengambil tema ‘The Sunan Hotel Solo Peduli Pendidikan”. Program CSR ini berupa aksi pengecatan gedung sekolah SD Negeri Jajar 1 yang berlokasi di Jl Basuki Rahmat 49 Solo.
b. Selain bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kepedulian sosial perusahaan, Program ini juga dimaksudkan untuk menyambut peringatan hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia 17 Agustus yang ke – 64.
c. Pelatihan Hotel Public Relation secara gratis kepada mahasiswa jurusan komunikasi dari 3 perguruan tinggi di Jawa Tengah yaitu Universitas Sebelas Maret Solo, Universitas Muhamadiyah Surakarta, dan Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga yang terselenggara di The Sunan beberapa waktu yang lalu.
6. Promotion

Kemampuan yang wajib dibangun dan yang terlibat di bidang Public Relation, dibagi menjadi 2 klasifikasi besar, yaitu:
1. Kemampuan Teknis
Kemampuan Tehnik dalam PR meliputi:
1) PR Writing
2) Komunikasi Visual
3) Bahasa Inggris
4) Informasi Teknologi
2. Kemampuan Non-Tehnis
Kemampuan Non-Tehnik dalam PR merupakan potensi seseorang yang berasal dari bakat dan kualitas pribadi. Beberapa contoh kemampuan non tehnis dalam PR antara lain adalah; komunikatif, ekstrover, kemampuan berorganisasi yang baik, pekerja keras (hard worker), menyukai travelling, berpenampilan rapi, banyak kontak dengan relasi, memiliki kepekaan, kemampuan menganalisa baik, inovatif, enterprenership, dll.

Dunia PR di masa kini terkadang berjalan secara tidak lancar dalam praktek di lapangannya. Dunia PR juga berjalan bukan tanpa sebuah tantangan dalam pelaksanaannya. Beberpa tantanagn yang sering dihadapi oleh praktisi PR di lapangan antara lain adalah:
1) Harus menguasai disiplin ilmu non PR seperti Advertising (periklanan), Media, Marketing, Visual Communication.
2) Aktif dalam organisasi atau forum PR.
3) Mampu memanfaatkan internet ataupun era-cyber.

Media berita yang mampu dipakai dalam dunia PR sangat lah bervariarif di jaman yang serba ber-IT ini. Macam-macam media social tersebut antara lain meliputi:
Pers baik nasional maupun lokay yang bisa berupa koran maupun majalah, jurnal perdagangan dan tehnik, jurnal bisnis dan profeional.
Siaran televisi satelit maupun kabel baik dalam bentuk BBC, Komersial, maupun Satelit dalam skop nasional dan regional.

Media audio ini (siaran radio) baik skop nasional, regional, dan lokal.
4) EKSHIBISI/promosi pameran
Para promoter menggunkan pameran ini sendiri sebagai PR dalam rangka memberitaukan pesan-pesannya kepada khalayak. Dalam wujud pameran produk dalam skop nasional, regional, dan lokal., yang berupa perdaganag dan tehnik, bisnis dan professional, dll.
Jenis-jenis Ekhsibisi natara lain:

a. Public Exhibition
b. Trade Exhibition
c. Ourdoor Exhibition
d. Private Exhibition
e. Overseas Trade Fair
f. Joint Ventures
g. Mobile show
h. Portable Exhibition
i. Small Exhibition
j. Shopping weeks
k. Special Exhibition

IT media di masa ini sangatlah banyak, antara lain: friendster, facebook, twitter, foursquare, blog dll.
Fotografi merupakan salah satu aspek penting dalam dunai PR. Karena untuk setiap informasi PR sangat perlu didukung oleh ilustrasi gambar.


Dalam kegiatan ini, penyambutan oleh pihak hotel cukup hangat, mahasiswa dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok kecil berdasarkan meja jamuan makan malam di sana, dan masing-masing kelompok dipandu oleh 2 (dua) orang staff senior The Sunan Hotel Surakarta.

A. Definisi Table Manner
Table Manner yang merupakan bagian dari pengetahuan standar setiap orang adalah serangkaian aturan atau cara makan dan berperilaku di meja makan, yang biasanya diberlakukan dalam sebuah jamuan makan dalam urusan formal atau resmi. Misalnya jamuan makan dalam kontek pekerjaan atau bisnis.
Hal ini sangat penting dipelajari, karena tidak hanya bahasa saja yang menunjukkan budaya seseorang, namun tata cara makan pun sekarang juga mampu sebagai identitas kebudayaan seseorang.
B. Tata Cara Mendasar dalam Table Manner
Tata cara Table Manner sangat bervariatif dan biasanya berbeda di setiap Negara. Aturan-aturan pokok tata cara di meja makan ini terdiri atas 3 yang utama yakni, pertama sebelum makan, kedua tata cara menggunakan perlengkapan makan, dan yang ketiga saat makan sedang berlangsung.
1. Sebelum Makan
Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalm Aturan table Manner khusunya pada saat sebelum makan, meliputi antara lain adalah:
a. Pastikan tempat dan jenis undangan makan yang akan Anda datangi, hal ini untuk menyesuaikan busana yang hendak Anda kenakan. Apakah sifatnya formal, ataupun santai dengan busana casual. Meskipun Anda penggemar berat asesori berupa topi, hindarkan penggunaan topi ini selama makan siang ataupun malam yang resmi.
b. Tanyakan kepada tuan rumah maupun pengundangtentang posisi tempat duduk Anda, apakah bebas, ataukah ditentukan. KetikaAnda sudah duduk, dan ada tamu lain yang datang maka Anda cukup mengangguk memberi hormat, siapapun tamunya, apakah itu pria maupun wanita. Sementarauntuk tata cara Amerika, para pria harus berdiri apabila ada tamu wanita yang hadir ataupun meninggalkan meja makan.
c. Doa maupun sepatah sambutan dan ucapan dari pihak pengundang biasanya dilakukan sebelum acara makan dimulai. Toast pun takjarang dijadikan awal pembuka acara makan.
d. Tidak memulai makan sampai semua tamu hadir, dan makanan tersaji lengkap di depan masing-masing tamu, dan mereka sudah mengambil makanan di atas piring masing-masing. Atau juga sebelum tuan rumah mempersilakan. Aturan Amerika lebih ketat, semua akan mengambil sendok dan garpunya apabila tuan rumah sudah melakukannya terlebih dahulu.Selalu letakkanserbet kain yang tersedua di pangkuan Anda, jangan tempatkan di dadaAnda.

2. Penggunaan Peralatan = Makan
Di bagian ini merupakan tata cara bagaimana kita menggunakan 1 set perlatan makan selama acara jamuan makan berlangsung:
a. Satu set peralatan makan berupa garpu, sendok, pisau biasanya tersedia di masing-masing hadapan Anda. Bentuk dan ukurannya beragam, dibedakan atas jenis makanannya, apakah itu untuk hidangan pembuka (appetizer), hidangan utama (main course) ataupun untuk hidangan penutup (dessert).
b. Tidak perlu cemas untuk salah penggunaan, karena biasanya untuk hidangan pembuka dan penutup, perlengkapannya lebih kecil dari hidangan utama. Yang terkecil ukuran sendok, pisau dan garpunya adalah untuk hidangan penutup.
c. Beberapa tuan rumah maupun rumah makan biasanya menyusun peralatan makan ini dengan cara meletakkan peralatan terluaruntuk hidangan pembuka, lalu hidangan pembukanya dengan peralatan di bagian susunan tengah, dan bagian terdalam sisi kanan dan kiri piring Anda adalah alat untuk menikmati hidangan penutup. Sementara apabila di restoran tertentu, peralatan yang diletakkan di meja hanya untuk hidangan utama, sementara peralatan untuk hidangan pembuka dan penutup akan disajikan bersamaan = dengan=20 penyajian hidangannya.
d. Demikian juga untuk gelas yang tersedia di depan Anda, apabila tersedia lebih dari satu, maka kemungkinan besar salah satunya adalah gelas untuk wine. Apabila wine disajikan oleh pramusaji, maka Anda cukup mengatakan pada pramusaji apabila Anda ingin meminumnya, dan pramusaji akan langsung menuangkannya pada gelas wine yang tersedia. Biasanya=20 gelas wine paling dekat dengan piring Anda, dan gelas air putih berada di sebelah kirinya. Sementara untuk cangkir kopi maupun teh berada di sebelah kanan perlengkapan makan yang sudah disetting.
e. Serbet memang disediakan untuk mencegah pakaian Anda terkena noda makanan yang jatuh. Karena itu, letakkan di pangkuan Anda. Cara meletakkannya, sisakan dan lipatlah serbet ke dalam kurang lebih dengan lebar 5 cm. Serbet juga bisa digunakan untuk membersihkan sudut bibir yang terkena remahmakanan. Namun, jangan digunakan untuk mengelap gigi atau lipstik.

3. Selama Makan
Beberapa di bawah ini merupakan aturan selama jamuan makan berlangsung, yang meliputi:
a. Jika hidangan tersaji di depan meja dan Anda harus bergantian mengambilnya, maka pastikan Anda tidak menumpuk semua makanandalam satu waktu.
b. Sementara apabila dihidangkan satu persatu, maka pastikan juga Anda memberikan informasi yang jelas atas hidangan yang ditawarkan. Jika Anda berkenan Anda bisa mengatakan, please (Ya) dan pramusaji akan meletakannya di piring Anda, atau, thank you (Tidak, terimakasih), maka makanan itu tidak akan ditempatkan di = piring Anda. Jangan asumsikan jawaban Anda dengan menggangguk atau menggeleng, karena pramusaji bisa salah menterjemahkannya.
c. Untuk memotong roti (yang menjadi teman makan sup), jangan menggunakan pisau. Gunakan jari-jari Anda. Potong dengan ukuran yang sesuai untuk langsung dimakan. Jika ingin memberinya mentega, oleskan mentega pada potongan yang akan disuapkan ke mulut. Untuk sandwich atau roti bakar, Anda boleh memotongnya dengan pisau.
d. Saat menikmati steak, pisau dan garpu tidak dipegang dengan cara seperti memegang sendok dan garpu. Peganglah pisau dan garpu dengan telunjuk tangan berada di atas. Dengan cara ini, tekanan pisau dan garpu ke daging lebih kuat. Dan yang tidak kalah penting, jangan menunjuk-nunjuk lawan bicara ketika tangan masih memegang pisau.
e. Cicip makanan terlebih dahulu sebelum menambahkan garam ataupun merica ke makanan Anda. Jika ada tamu lain disebelah Anda meminta tolong untuk mengulurkan garam atau lada, maka pastikan set bumbu ini (keduanya) Anda ambilkan. Biarkan tamu tersebut memilih sendiri bumbu tambahannya, dan Anda tidak perlu menerka-nerka yang mana botol garam, dan mana pula yang lada.
f. Menikmati sup dan makanan lain hendaknya jangan sampai berbunyi mengecap ataupun suara menyeruput keras dari mulut Anda. Meskipun di beberapa negara lain mengeluarkan bunyi-bunyian dari mulut saat makan di anggap sebagai bagian dari penghormatan.
g. Sup atau nasi yang masih panas, biarkan makanan dingin tersebut dingin dengan sendirinya. Hal yang tabu jika kita mendinginkannya dengan cara meniupnya. Untuk kuah sup, boleh ditiup sebentar setelah disendok dan didekatkan ke mulut.
h. Jangan memuntahkan makanan (entah karena rasanya tidak enak atau ada duri ikan di dalamnya) ke serbet makan. Ambil makanan tersebut dengan sendok atau garpu, lalu sisihkan di pinggir piring Anda.
i. Jangan berbicara ketika mulut Anda sedang penuh makanan. Hal yang pamali juga berbicara ketika mulut kita penuh dengan makanan. Selain makanan bisa meloncat ke luar, apa yang Anda ucapkan pun kurang jelas didengar.
j. Sampaikan kata Excuse me, (Permisi), ketika Anda meninggalkan meja untuk menuju restroom sejenak.
k. Jangan menggunakan handphone Anda untuk bertelepon ria atau ber-sms, selama acara makan berlangsung. Apabila mendadak=20 ada panggilan penting, maka Anda harus undur sejenak dari meja makan tersebut.
l. Bila di Amerika akhir makan ditandai dengan meletakkan peralatan makan di samping kanan piring dengan caramenelungkupkannya, maka di Indonesia, Anda tetap bisa meletakkan di atas piring Anda, dan memberitahukan pramusaji untuk membereskan dan mengambil piring dan peralatan tersebut.
m. Tidak meletakkan sampah makanan seperti tulang atau cangkangkepiting- di atas meja makan. Mintalah piring kosong pada waiter untuk menaruh tulang atau sisa makanan.


Program Kuliah Praktik ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman nyata bagi mahasiswa Public Relation dan kaitannya dengan Table manner Cource.
Dan sebagai tradisi dari UNISRI sendiri untuk menyebarkan tentang ’virus Public Relation’ ini bagi UNISRI, karena kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan yang rutin, kegiatan yang telah membiasa di UNISRI ini. Public Relation ini tidak hanya milik dunia FISIP atau jurusan-jurusan ilmu komunikasi semata, namun skill Public Relation ini terbuka dan bermanfaat bagi semua aspek ilmu dan bidang.
a. Diharapkan setelah mengikuti ini, mahasiswa mampu menarik sebuah hubungan dan mmpraktekannya tentang kebijakan-kebijakan Public Relation baik dalam kontek kerja dan kontek diri sendiri. Diharapkan mahasiswa mampu memahami korelasi membangun reputasi sebuah perusahaan dan membangun reputasi diri sendiri (Personal Branding). Setidaknya setiap mahasiswa mampu mempublic-relation kan image dirinya sendiri terhadap khalayak umum. Sehingga mahasiswa mampu mengexplore kelebihan dan kekurangan dirinya sendiri, sehingga konsep diri mereka baik.
b. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan ini diharapkan mahasiswa mampu menerapkan etika atau tata cara jamuan makan ala internasional, sehingga ketika mahasiswa telah terjun ke dunia kerja mereka bisa membawa diri dan menyelaraskan diri dengan etika kepribadian yang menunjang pekerjaan mereka kelak.
Sebagai bentuk apresiasi dari pihak The Sunan Hotel, masing-masing peserta/mahasiswa mendapatkan sertifikat keikutsertaan. Kesimpulannya dari kegiatan ini adalah kegiatan semacam ini sangat bermanfaat bagi mahasiswa UNISRI dalam memperluas wawasan mahasiwa dan hendaknya semakin ditingkatkan ke depannya.

Jefkins, Frank. 2002. Public Relation. Edisi kelima. Erlangga, Jakarta
www. (diakses pada tanggal 16 Oktober 2010)
www. (diakses pada tanggal16 Oktober 2010)




Lectured by:

NIM : 10521052



By: Monika Putri Ardaningtyas


According to the basic concepts or theories of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) in which ESP is the way of learning English language which more concentrates on language in certain context (it can be in science, technology, medicine, leisure, business, tourisms and industry, and academic purpose/learning). In its paradigm, the target of ESP learning is in order to communicate a set of professional skills and to perform particular job-related function. That area is usually we call with the term Public Speaking, an important skill in communicating knowledge and expressing ideas to groups of people. For example in Studium Generale Agenda, in which has been hold in Auditoriums of Slamet Riyadi University, on September 28th 2010. There are some aspects of ESP which is in the specific ones is in seminar occasion.
Here in this paper, the observer wants to give her ideas and analysis in related with this ESP observation project. Hopefully, after observing and reporting the paper, the observer would know well about some principle involving the historical development and existing practice in ESP, especially in Studium Generale context.


The observation result of English for Specific Purposes in Studiums Generale Agenda, in which has been hold in Auditoriums of Slamet Riyadi University, on September 28th 2010 in this paper the observer will discuss some key issues surrounding the field of ESP context in Studium Generale.
In this analysis, the researcher focus on the specific vocabulary and the unique language skills those in a given field are likely to require. English for specific purposes is closely connected to language for professional purposes, where speakers of English as a foreign or second language have to learn how to use language in areas or situation where they to deal with.
Some aspects in Studiun general are can be analysis as follows:
1. Topic of Studium General
The topic of this Stadium Generale is ‘Exploring Education on Culture. ’ I think this topic is relevant with the context and audience. As we know that the audiences are the college students of English department of Slamet Riyadi University. Because language learning has close relationship, even it can not be separated with culture study, therefore education; language education, has close relationship with culture study.

2. Audience Analysis
Analyzing audiences is an activity by getting as much information about the audience as the public speakers can. By this activity, they can get some information which will help them to prepare a good speech theme that is relevant, suitable and also interesting to them. These are some aspect in analyzing the audience:
a. Age range; the audience age range is between 18 to 35 years old, except for several guest or committee (lectures, dean, etc).
b. Sex Distribution; they are both man and women.
c. Occupations; the audience occupation are college students, especially, English department college students.
d. General Background; the general backgrounds of the audience are college students who has high perception in education and culture.

3. Language Style Usage
Language Style means language style or language type used in this occasion. It can be defined as the usage of words, phrase, sentences, paragraphs, and the whole component of speaking. The way of choosing in using language style is similar like when we are choosing our dress code, our house or even our life partner. It is very privacy and based on our own need, our own characteristics, and our own image. But in general, the principal of language style in presentation are as follows:
a. Short and Clear; in this occasion, when the head committee gave her speech the diction and the choices of words are very clear and simple (not ambiguous) so the audience can understand it easily and the duration is relative short, so that’s why the audience not bored.
b. Concrete; the speaker, both Mrs. Soewalni and Brian are also use several concrete words, which are correct and suitable with the context of speaking and representative similar with the speakers want.
c. Concise; when Miss Fenty delivered her speech with the choice of words in concise ways.
d. Colorful; the diction are very interesting, colorful, not monotone, and even stimulating the audience to laughs. Moreover when Brian says something in Javanese accent, it arouses some laughs from the audiences. (Brian said:, “Wilujeng siang”, “Sami-sami”, “Njih”)
e. Current and Cautions; the language style in this occasion is sometimes was also current or up to date like our era especially in our context, Solo area.
f. Humor usage; here in this occasion, in every section, the speakers are also inserting the usage of humor which is suitable with the topic, so the audiences can get fascinating atmospheres and can laugh.

While, from volume and speed aspect, the speakers tends to speak loudly and not too slow and not too fast. From the perspective tone and inflection, almost the speaker can tend to be good management in their tone and inflection ones.

4. Visual Aids
Visual Aids are everything which can be used to help or to make a speech clearer interesting and more powerful. They add variety, capture attention, illustration concepts and attention illustration concepts and provide entertainment. The goals of visual aids usage is to help the presentation information more interesting and easier to understanding and remember. Therefore in short, the benefit of visual aids are for: getting the audience attention, stimulating the audience’s interests, illustrating un-verbally components in speaking, so the audiences can actually see and experience what the speaker are talking about. Usually visual aids can be in the form of PowerPoint slide, graphic, picture, photo, video, quotations, data-report, research-report, object, model, charts, diagram, and even physical demonstration etc. During this kuliah perdana those several visual aids are LCD with power point, gamelan tools.

5. Body language
In all public speakers, they give two speeches at the same time, both the one that is heard (verbal language) and the one that is seen (nonverbal language). The use of body language, posture, eye contact, facial expression, and gesture, will give some affect and react between the speakers themselves and their audience.
Here some people who involved in this occasion are also play it, such as:
a. Master Ceremony (MC) looks the audiences in the eye, improve their posture (standing up with the right position with their clue card of MC-ing and microphone in their hand) and use of gesture, and use decisive-sounding pattern.
b. Miss Fenty Kusumastuti, S, S is also used some body language in her existence in Studium Generale, when she was delivering her speech as head committee of Studium Generale. For example; she walks to the front of podium and back to her sit with her head up, her spine straight, and her shoulders back.
c. Mr. Yudhistira, S. S as moderator in this occasion is also using some body language. His good eye contact with the first speaker (Mrs. Soewalni, M.Pd) and audiences is also essential for becoming an effective communicator.
d. Almost the speakers in this occasion, such as: the MC, Mr. Yudhistira, S. S as the moderator, Mrs. Soewalni, M.Pd as the first speaker, Miss Fenty Kusumastuti, S.S, as head committee, Brian as the second speaker, etc are used facial expression like smile as face expression to establish rapport with their audience and to help put both they and their audience at ease. The small & little smile will be fine before the speaker speak; it will give our audience the impression that we are confident and looking forward to speaking.
e. The speakers are also got movement, hand and arm movement while they are speaking. For example: When Brian shows that his enthusiasm for an idea, he is
Punch the air with his fist to show his enthusiasm for something.

6. Dress Code
In public speaking, like stadium general, the aspect of physical appearance, like the way of people in choosing or wearing clothing, color clothing, hairstyles, and other factors affecting appearance are also considered a means of nonverbal communication. Some research on color psychology has demonstrated that different colors can invoke different moods. Appearance can also alter physiological reactions, judgment, and interpretations.
During this stadium general, the first speaker, Mrs. Soewalni M.Pd, was wearing a pink blazer with broses as accessories, and formal shoes. While, Brian, the second speaker, he was wearing a black semi-jazz and formal shoes.

7. Overal Management
The overall management of public speaking in Studium Generale occasion is concerned with the language features which is here the writter divided into several figures, they are MC, the moderator, the speakers of presentation. In every difference job description as those mentions above, the use of feature language is also different, for example when MC want to open the program, the expression will different with the opening expression delivered by the speaker of presentation. The body of speaking of the speaker is also different with other form of speaking, e.g, speaking in daily conversation. And when the MC wants to close the program, its expression is almost different with the closing expression from the speaker of presentation.
In this paper, the writer wants to discuss about the special expression which is usually used by the public speakers, like MC, moderator, and the speakers of presentation in delivering their presentation.

a. MC (Master ceremony)
Master Ceremony (MC) is a person in certain social occasion who master and control the whole program and is the most responsible person for the success of a program. In this Stadium General, MC open do their job as master ceremony by saying like these:
Salam Greeting  Good morning
Sapaan Addresses  The Honorable………
 Ladies and gentlemen
Selamat datang dan kata pembuka Welcoming and opening words  Welcome to the ……….
Pembacaan Acara Reading the agenda  Here are the agenda of the day
Mengumumkan sambutan Announcing a speech  Ladies and gentlemet, the first speech of (welcome) would be delivered by …………
 We would like to invite ……….. to deliver his/her (welcoming address) address
Memberikan tempat dan waktu Giving the floor/inviting the person to speak  Ladies and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome to …..
 ………….. the floor is yours.
Berterimakasih kepada pembicara Thanking the speaker Thank you, …………….
Menyampaikan acara berikutnya Announcing the following item of the program Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, we will present you with performing arts by …..
CMeminta orang/kelompok untuk tampil Inviting persons to the stage  Ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present (the head committee speech)……
 Ladies and gentlemen,……………
Menutup acara Closing  We would like to extend our appreciation for attending this meeting; have a nice day/evening.

b. Head Committee Speech
Here in this occasion, the head committee is Miss Fenti Kusumastuti, S.S, so the head committee speech is delivered by hers. In simple ways, her speech is opened by saying:
Sapaan&Salam Greeting&Addresses Bpk Drs,…
Ibu Dra…..
All lectures and …..students of English Departement.
Good Morning, How are you this morning?
Kata pembukaan Opening Statement What do you think about the debate?...
Do you like it? Do you want to be part of that?...
Hopefully that you can join us in the next contest…
Pembuka Pidato Opening Speech In this occasion, we can altogether here in Slamet Riyadi University to celebrate the initial study (Studium General) and the theme ‘Exploring Culture in Education’.
Isi Pidato Body of Speech The first speaker is Ibu Dra. Soewalni, M.Pd
The second speaker is Brian Thomas, native speaker from New York, who is studying Karawitan major in ISI.
The supported of this occasion are ……
Penutup Pidato Sambutan Closing Speech And to add the conclusion, enjoy yourself, and fasten your seat-belts, thank and Have a nice day.

c. Moderator and the speaker of presentation
Moderator is a person who has the duty to be partner of the speaker of presentation. In this occasion there are two speakers of presentation.

a. The first speaker is Ibu Dra. Soewalni, M.Pd with Mr. Yudhistira as the moderator, and in this first section Indonesian language is used all of the time.
b. The second speaker is Brian Thomas, native speaker from New York, who is criminologist and is studying Karawitan major in ISI, and in this section, they were used three-lingual (English, Indonesia, and sometimes Javanese).

In this occasion, Mr. Dion is to be a semi-modern moderator, in which the term of presentation is like talk show (question and answer with Brian). And here the language is also in three languages (English, Indonesia, and Javanese language) and he is also to be translator in this talk-show. For example of the little script of that talk-show is like this:
Kata pembukaan (Sapaan&Salam) Opening the seminar with greeting and opening words Good Morning/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
It is an honor for me to be the moderator of our seminar today.
Prakata penting di awal seminar Giving the audience some important on the seminar The seminar today is on………..(the theme/topic)
Membacakan susunan acara selama seminar Telling the audience the arrangement of the seminar Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to read the arrangement of our seminar today…
Memimpi doa pembukaan Leading the opening prayer Ladies and gentlemen, let us start our seminar with a prayer. Thank you
Memperkenalkan diri sebgaia moderator Self- Introduction of the moderator First of all I’d like to introduce myself. I’m …
Membacakan CV (Curriculun Vitae singkat) dari si penyaji makalah Reading the presenter/the speaker of presentation’s CV Our presenter today is …….
He was born on…. In…..
His education is in ….
He is now in …..
Mengundang/menawarkan sesi pertanyaan
Inviting the questions Now, I’d like to invite the audience to give comment or question to the presenter. Please raise your hand and tell me your name.
For the first term, I’d like to invite three questions.
Yes, Mr./Miss……could you please ask your question briefly and clearly.
Berterimakasih atas pertanyaan yang diajukan Thanking for the questions Well, thank you for your great questions.
Mengundang si penyaji makalan untuk memberikan jawaban/tanggapan dari pertanyaan peserta Inviting the presenter /the speaker of presentation to give responses/answer on the audience’s question Mr/Mrs……. , could you please now take the floor again to answer the questions.
Kesimpulan Seminar Concluding the seminar The conclusion is …..
Menutup seminar Closing the seminar Ladies and gentlemen, let us give an applause to the presenter.
Menutup dengan doa penutupan Leading the closing prayer and saying goodbye Now let us pray to end our seminar. Thank you.

‘Brian, would you please tell about yourself?’ ‘Well, my name’s Brian, matur suwun sanget,
Aku baca kalimat …..’
‘Why do you take gamelan?
How come, bagaimana seorang kriminolog tertarik dengan gamelan.’ ‘Gamelan merdu sekali, menarik sekali.
In America, music is can be sell. So I decided to make music to take money.’

Finally, based on the problem in introduction and discussion-analysis chapter, from the examples presented in this paper, the observer then comes to the conclusion of the study. From the discussion in the previous chapter, the observer could draw some points, such as follows:
1. The characteristics, techniques, vocabulary and the goals of language features in English for Specific Purposes are a little bit different with English for everyday conversation or English in general.
2. The written/spoken discourse and non-spoken one and some variety of specialized contexts (academic and non-academic) in which English is used are also different in apply to particular English for specific purposes situations, especially those that the student is familiar with, in the context of accepted contemporary professional practice, such us: Studium Generale, Seminar, Workshop, etc.




Mulyana, Yayan., ed., 2008. A Practical Guide English for Public Speaking, Kesaint Blanc, Jakarta.

Dale paulette, Wolf, James, et all. Second Edition. Speech Communication Made Simple, Longman, Miami-Dade Community College.

Minggu, 06 Maret 2011

An Analysis of Pet Names as an Address Form Revealed in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

By: Monika Putri Ardaningtyas

Realizing that human being as a social creature who cannot live without other people, so in their social life, they are will need help or interactions to each other more and more to fulfill their daily-need in order to survive their life. In their social life, human would establish a certain community, where a group of people would live together with any similarity in several aspect of life, to get their life’s maintenance. In everyday life, they are would do any interaction with each other which we call communication. Human beings need communication, both as individual and groups in their society.
Language has important role in social interaction process in society, for instances human need language to deliver their ideas, messages, feeling, emotion, and thought. Human being needs language to make their communication easier in their community. So that’s why from human who use language, it can reveled personal characters, social background, culture, and many other aspect in human live.
Literary work or works of arts is one example of media which cannot be separated from language. There are many literary works which sometime as a mirror or reflection of what happen to society in a real life. Some literary works sometimes described illustrations of certain phenomenon which real happen in social life. Drama, as one of the form of literary work, also represents some problems which become the phenomenon happen in social real life.
Examples of famous play which as a mirror from certain society life in Norway is A Doll’s House authorized by Henrik Ibsen. For student of English Department this play is not strange more, because this play required reading in many secondary schools and universities. A Doll House (literally translated A Dollhouse from the original Norwegian title Et dukkehjem) is an 1879 play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. This play was the first of Ibsen's plays to create a sensation and it is a critical Victorian marriage norm play. (
In A Doll’s House, there is a worthy phenomenon to be discussed. It is an address form usage. Here, we will found there are many “violation” or “variation” of address form, which is in the form of pet names. The pet names as address form revealed in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House is a phenomenon of variation or violation of the address form usage. The researcher believes that pet names are not simply about a vocabulary choice, but pet names have another important meaning than just as address forms. People who use pet names as address form have specific purposes in using those forms more than only for addressing.
The subject of the research is Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House. The writer is interested in discussing about pet names as address form represent by Torvald in this play. The writer chooses A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, because Henrik Ibsen and his A Doll’s House were famous playwright and drama over in the world. It was translated into many languages and performed worldwide. ( Moreover through this drama, Ibsen had written explicitly about pet names as address form. As mentioned above, pet names as address form is a worthy analysis, so the writer wants to explore more about it.

According to Trudgill (1974:13), language is not simply as a means of communicating information; it is also a very important means of establishing and maintaining relationship with other people. In short, language has two important roles in society: first, the role played by language in conveying information about the speaker, and seconds, the function of language in establishing and maintaining social relationship.
Chaika (1982:2) states that “Sociolinguistics is the study of the way people use language in social interaction”. So the social condition or social relationship in a community indicates aspects of their social context in which they are talking. The study of language and in its social context tells us about how we organize our social relationship within a particular society. Sociolinguist study verbal behavior in terms of the relations between the setting, the participants, the topic, the functions of the interaction, the form, and the values held by the participants about each of these (Hymes 1962:25 in Fishman Joshua 1972:192).
While Pratt and Traugott (1980: 12) states that sociolinguistics is the study of language in its various contexts, especially social context, such as who the addressers and addressees are, what kinds of social group the participants come from, what type of social distance or intimacy of participants are involved in a speech events, and soon. In addressing someone for example, it is not simply a mater of vocabulary choice but also revealing about the relationship and social position of the speakers and addressee. For example: How you address to your friends, teacher, parents, doctor, servant, a new / strange people, woman or man, married or unmarried woman etc are use different way and term.
According to Wardhaugh (1977:218), there are some varieties of language, such as; by age, sex, occupation, and function. In other opinion, Nababan (1991:13) states that the reasons for language to vary are: different territories of community, different social group, different situational of speech or different levels of formality, and different period of time.
Variety in language is also related to the attention that the speakers take with his expression in a certain situation. The more formal situation, the more formal people pay attention to their language. In less formal situation, people can talk informally and produce language varieties freely. Moreover, the use of language varieties depends on the social status of the participants involved in conversation. In short, the differences of social status can produce varieties in language. Then because of there are so many heterogeneous users of language variation, then it will influence and reflected the use of language.
We recognize varieties of language as a result of perceiving several distinctive linguistics features being used together in a social situation. A single linguistics feature is often enough to indicate social distance, such as; the particular words or phrases used when people meet, address each other by name, or select other proper names for talking to or about each other.
Hymes (1974) has proposed an ethnographic framework which takes into account various factors that are involved in speaking. Ethnography of communicative event is a description of all factors that are relevant in understanding how that particular communicative event achieves its objectives. Hymes (in Wardhaugh 1986:238) suggest that there are eight components of speech which may affect the use of language, commonly abbreviated “SPEAKING”. Those are called “SPEAKING” formula. They are SETTING and SCENE (S), PARTICIPANTS (P), ENDS (E), ACT SEQUENCES (A), KEY (K), INSTRUMENTALITIES (I), NORMS (N), and GENRES (G). Later, this way of speaking formula is very essential for solving the second research problem.
All of them are explain as follows:
a. Setting and Scene (S)
Setting refers to time and places i.e., the concrete physical circumstances in which speech takes place. Scene refers to the abstract psychological setting, or the cultural definition of the occasion.
b. Participants (P)
Participants include various combinations of speaker-listener, addressor-addressee, or sender-receiver. While, based on Hymes (1974:60) Participants refer to the speaker/ addresser and the listener/addressee who are involved in a conversation. It is deal with who is speaking and who is the speaker speaking to.
c. Ends (E)
Ends refers to the conventionally recognize and expected outcomes of an exchange as well as to the personal goals that participants seek to accomplish on particular occasions.
d. Act Sequences (A)
Act sequences refer to the actual form and content of what is said: the precise word used, how they are used, and the relationship of what is said to the actual topic at hand. Based on Fasold (1990:44) Act sequences is message form (how something is said) and content (what is said) together. In this case it deals with the characters talk about, or commonly called a topic of a conversation.
e. Key (K)
Key refers to the tone, manner, or spirit in which a particular message is conveyed: light-hearted, serious, precise, pedantic, mocking, sarcastic, pompous, and so on.
Key refers to the tone and manner of the speaking in which the conversation is held. It refers to the feeling, atmosphere, and attitude in which the conversation is occurs.
The definition of each aspect above is given below to make better understanding of term “Key”:
1) Tone refers to the general spirit of the scene, such as brave, fierce, fearful, etc.
2) Manner refers to the participant’s way of behavior toward other whether it is mocking, polite, impolite, serious, formal, informal, etc.
3) Feeling refers to the emotions, indicating happiness, shock, anger, irony, etc.
4) Atmosphere refers to the feelings that affect the mind in a place or condition, such as; good, evil, or solemn.
5) Attitude refers to the participants’ way of thinking and behaving toward a situation whether it is sympathetic, optimistic, serious, resentful, bitter, etc.
f. Instrumentalities (I)
Instrumentalities refer to the choice of channel. By channel, Hymes (in Fasold 1990:45) simply means the way a message travels from one person to another, e.g. oral, written, or telegraphic, and to the actual forms of speech employed, such as language, dialect, code, register, term of address, terms of reference, etc.
g. Norms (N)
Norms of interaction and interpretation refers to the specific behaviors and properties that attach to speaking and also to how these may be viewed by someone who does not share them. It is the rule of interaction, such as adjacency pairs, sequencing, volume, pitch of voce, etc.
h. Genres (G)
Genre refers to clearly demarcated types of utterances. It is speech category, such as daily language, language game, prayer, tale, novel, letters, myth, play, proverb, advertisement, oration, etc.

Address form
As Koul (1989) points out, a study of terms of address in any language plays a very important role in sociolinguistics research. According to Fasold (1990:2), “Address Form are the word speakers use to designate the person they are talking to while they are talking to them”.
While Trudgill (1974:105-108) states that personal address are term of expressions used by one person to address another one. Address term is used with consideration that appropriate forms of address differ in different situations. Many people use considerably more standard form to those they don’t know well. So, the use of personal address depends on the relationship between the addresser and addressee and their relative status, including age, social status or social class, sex, and other social factors which bring the different forms of address caused by different degrees of social status, power, social background, culture, society condition, etc.
Brown and Ford, (in Wardhaugh 1986:259) divided the address form in two forms. They are major and variants. The major forms of address are term of First Name (FN) and title plus last name (TLN). The term First Name (FN) is indicating equality between the speaker and the addressee, whereas title plus last name (TLN) which show that the addressee has a higher status than the speaker, it indicated inequality and unfamiliarity. While, the variants form are term of address consists of term of title alone (T), Last name (LN), and Multiple Name (MN). The term title alone (T) indicates least intimacy between the speakers and addressee, and it usually designates one’s rank or occupational such as; Colonel, Doctor, Waiter etc. While, Last name (LN) represent a degree of intimacy that is greater than TLN but less than FN. Whereas, Multiple Name (MN) shows a greater degree of intimacy then the FN. It is used to express more or less free variation with one another.
According to Fasold (1990:1), when people use language, they do more than just try to get another person to understand the speaker’s thoughts and feelings. At the same time, both people are using language in subtle ways to define their relationship to each other, to identify themselves as part of a social group, and to establish the kind of speech event they are in.
The most influential study of address forms and the social relationships had investigated by Brown and Gilman in 1960 (Fasold, 1990:1). There are two factors constitute two semantics that condition the choice of address form, which they called power and solidarity.
The first is called power pronouns semantics. Power pronouns semantic, like the power relationship, is nonreciprocal. A person has power over another to the degree that he or she can control the other person’s behaviors. The bases of power such as; older people assume to have power over younger people, parents over children, employers over employees, husband over his wife, etc.
The second one is called solidarity semantic. Solidarity implied a sharing between people, a degree of closeness and intimacy. This relationship was reciprocal; if we were close to someone else, in general, those people were close to us. Wherever the solidarity semantic applies, the same pronoun is used by both people.

Pet names as Address Form
Sometimes, the speaker uses more than one form of the proper names for the same addressee, such as he usually uses the term “LN”, but other time he will say “FN” or “endearment term of addressee”. In this case, he uses address term called “Multiple Name (MN)”.
A Term of endearment is a word or phrase used to address and/or describe a person or animal for which the speaker feels love or affection. Terms of endearment are used for a variety reason, such as parents addressing their children and lover couple addressing each other. Each term of endearment has its own connotations, which are highly dependent on the situation they are used in, such as tone of voice, body language, and social context. Some terms may be combined for added emphasis, e.g. honey bunny, and convey a sense of greater affection. (http://www. Term of endearment)
A Term of endearment in Stein’s book, Dictionary of the English language (1967), are terms of address which are used to show endearment. For instance, to show his intimacy, a husband will address his wife by using a special name such as “dear”, “sweetheart”, “songbird”, etc. So the term so endearment forms of address always designate that the relationship is more intimate than when first name (FN) is used.
Meanwhile, Wolfson (1989:171) says that terms of endearment are commonly used by male to female, and it indicates that he is dominant and powerful. But using term of endearment not always indicate that the speaker and the addressee’s relationship is less intimate or distant, but it can be show that they are close to each other.
As kind of address form, pet names place its great emphasis in the meaning function; hence the language form used in “pet name words” is relatively unique. The pet names sometimes gives sense to various universally valued qualities, such as sweetness, beauty, peacefulness, innocence, warmth, playfulness, worth, providence or cuddliness.
The pet names are being applied as metaphors and using animal imagery, for example, easily completing the sentence "You are my songbird". In A Doll’s House, Ibsen uses animal imagery as address forms to develop her character throughout the play. By pet names which using animal imagery adhered to character in this play, the reader can understanding who the character is and how other characters perceive her.
Finally, from quotations above it is clear that there are many kinds of language varieties in society, as in greeting or forms of address. Pet names as address form is one example of the language variation in address term usages. From this definition, the researcher takes a correlation of the theory used in this research and the analysis the data based on it.

Norway Condition and Ibsen’s Realism in A Doll’s House
Ibsen’s A Doll’s House is a portrayed the real Norway condition in the late of nineteenth century. Norway had a same portrait of an ideal family and home as the rest of the European people in the nineteenth century. Inside the home, Norway’s life was enclosed in a hierarchical and ritualistic system under which the husband and father was absolutely dominant. The women role in the family was called as the man’s help-mate; even seem like servant-home. At that era, the woman’s purpose in life is to be happy for her husband's sake, for the sake of the children; to sing, dance, and play with them. Women were not expected to improve their minds and education. They were not expected to be more intellectual company than their husband. In this way, the male domination in patriarchy system effected woman role in Norway in the late of nineteenth century. Later, these crucial issues, which as the mirror of Norway’s condition in the late of nineteenth century address as the theme in Ibsen’s play. (http:////
Ibsen (1828-1906) was the first important playwright to realize the possibilities of dramatic realism. Considered to be the father of realistic drama Ibsen examined the values and norms of Victorian society, family, and marriage through his drama works. In 1879, he wrote A Doll’s House. The subject addressed by Ibsen in his plays is the role of woman. He was perhaps most successful in depicting the nineteenth-century woman, whose inner nature was in strong conflict with the role she was called on to perform. A Doll’s House is a scathing criticism of these values and norms as seen in the marriage of Nora and Torvald Helmer.
Ibsen's social plays were a reflection of peculiarly Norwegian conditions. In Ibsen’s play, the environment, where he lives, had an influence on characters’ personalities, and all the things characters did and all of things the characters used revealed his social-condition. He presents the character from his works, for what they are as the product of their own society. Then, the dialogue of realism drama is a language that closely resembled ordinary speech. In short that A Doll’s House represented a real social condition at Ibsen’s time.

The researcher found that there are 13 data of pet names as address form throughout A Doll’s House play. Those can be seen in appendix.
But, in this discussion, it will be discussed only two examples from 13 data of the pet names as address form, the discussion include; the social factor influencing that usage, the purpose of those address form usage, and how it reveal the relationship between address and addresser and how it revealed the characterization of the characters (Nora and Torvald) through this play.

 Discussion 1
Helmer : [calls out from his room] Is that my little lark twittering out there?
Nora : [busy opening some of the parcels] Yes, it is!
Helmer : Is it my little squirrel bustling about?
Nora : Yes!

a) The social factors influencing in using Pet Names as address form
S : In Torvald’s flat on a happy Christmas day
P : Torvald to Nora
E : chit-chat
A : looking for Nora
K : in happy and loving feeling / and in intimate/close and cheerful manner
I : term of address
N : gaze return
G : dialogue in play

From the data above, it is clear shows that the setting of Torvald’s speech act plays an important role, for let him to address his wife by using pet names “my little lark”. It is obvious that the scene of Torvald’s conversation is in his flat on a happy Christmas day. This setting makes him feel happy and loving. This is not just his feeling affected by the setting of his speaking, but at that time his manner in intimate/ close and cheerful in manner also plays important role. Then the instrumentality was term of address, the norm of this conversation is in gaze return, and genre was dialogue in play, it was not play crucial role in Torvald’s speech act. All of these factors are influencing in pet names usage.

b) The purpose of address form usage
Usually a person uses pet names in calling someone he loves shows his feeling or affection. In this case, Torvald calls his wife by using pet names sometimes he want to show that he loves her very much and has great affection to his wife.

c) The relationship and the characterization revealed from this address form
Here, Torvald uses “my little lark” to address her wife. From pet names used by Torvald to call Nora, It can reveal the relationship between Torvald and Nora that they were a marriage-couple in the late nineteenth century with close and unequal relationship. By observing this pet name, he wants to represent that her wife is personified like lark (a kind of small bird as picture of a happy and carefree bird) and squirrel (the birds were object of wildly and quite small rodent). Here, Torvald use pet names as address form usually followed by the possessive “my” and prefaced by “little” before the pet name, hence it is signaling that Nora is like a child who’s his. Torvald thinks in their marriage, Nora is always happy (never sad), and energetic wife (like all the characteristics of a bird).
From this pet name, it can reveal the characterization of Nora through this play. From this play, we can describe that she was represented a woman and wife in Victorian Age (an ideal 19th century). She first appears as a silly and spoilt woman, as Torvald’s doll house. She is treated like a child by her husband by calling her using pet names. Moreover, Nora first seems that she fine and enjoy receiving that calling way. Nora act seems that she never feels insulted with this calling. She just allows this calling pet name to go on.

 Discussion 2
Helmer : Didn’t you say nobody had been here? [Shakes his finger at her]. My little songbird must never do that again. Songbirds are supposed to have clean beaks to chirp with ---- no false notes. (Puts his arm around her waist.). Isn’t that so? Of course it is. (Lets her go). And that’s enough about that. (Sits down in front of the fireplace). Ah, it’s nice and warm in here. (Begins to leaf through his paper)
Nora : [busy with the Christmas Tree; after a brief pause] Torvald!
Helmer : Yes

a) The social factors influencing in using Pet Names as address form
S : In Torvald’s flat on a happy Christmas day, especially in kitchen.
P : Torvald to Nora
E : chit-chat
A : asking and give a certain judgments to Nora
K : in rather angry feeling / in rather close manner
I : term of address
N : loudness and rather emotion
G : dialogue in play

In the dialogue above, the place setting was in Torvald’s flat on a happy Christmas day, especially in kitchen room. The participants of dialogue were Torvald and Nora, as a marriage-couple. The topic of the dialogue was about Torvald asking and giving judgments to Nora. The dialogue ran in close way, but in feeling rather angry way/distant manner. The address was use phrase “my little songbird”. It was intended to show Torvald’s domination toward Nora. Then, an instrumentality was term of address. The norm of this conversation is in loudness and rather emotion norm and genre factors were not play important role in Torvald’s speech act. All of these factors are influencing in pet names usage.

b) The purpose of address form usage
In this scene, Torvald use term of address “my little songbird” to address Nora. Here, the purpose of Torvald call her wife by this term was to show her domination or his power toward Nora. “My little songbird” term to symbolize Nora’s weaknesses to Torvald’s strength. This domination (Torvald‘s power) can be seen through the treatment and pet names toward Nora. Nora gets unfair treatment from Torvald as the victim of the society at that time which reflects the existence of male domination. It obvious clear described by addition information ( [Shakes his finger at her.).

c) The relationship and the characterization revealed from this address form
Here, from this term of address “my little songbird”, we can see how the relationship of Torvald and Nora. They were a marriage-couple, in which husband as absolutely domination. Here, the position of male/ husband were absolutely dominant toward the female/wife. This pet name of Torvald to Nora emphasize that he does not see her as an equal, and Nora is definitely not an individual but rather property for her husband. Torvald believe that Nora’s role is to amuse and delight him. In his belief, a wife was supposed to play a role in which she supported his husband, took care of their children, and made sure everything was perfect around house. But, in this case, Nora more as a wife as usual, she supposed as a child for her husband.
It is clear described that Nora role in their society condition at that time as a victim of her society, in which placed women under male domination. Torvald represent as a superior husband to his wife. The pet names such as “skylark”, “songbird”, “squirrels”, are all wild animal that do not belong in a cage, any more than Nora can tolerate living in the restricted atmosphere of Toravld’s home. It is shows how Torvald controls Nora almost in all her aspects of live, such as in the above scene.

Finally, based on the problem and the discussion chapter, the researcher then comes to the conclusion of the study.
From the explanation in the previous chapter, the researcher could draw some points, such as follows:
1. The major social factors influencing in Torvald’s address form to call Nora by using Pet Names are as follows:
a) Setting
The setting of this dialogue was in Torvald’s flat on a happy Christmas day. So in that condition, they are employed to use pet name as address form, in a good /happy feeling and in a close/intimate manner.
b) Participants
The participants of this scene were between Torvald and Nora as a marriage couple, so this type of relationship urging the use of pet names as addresses forms to address his wife.
c) End
Torvald employed the pet names as address form to call Nora in a good mood and in an intimate /close social distance when their purposed of their speaking is to renew their relationship.
d) Art Form
When, the condition of Torvald and Nora’s speaking in situation when they were discussing about something they do not like, they will use pet names as address form in bad mood and in rather distant manner
e) Keys
Torvald will used pet names to call Nora, when Torvald’s mood and social distance in a good/happy feeling and in close/intimate manner.
f) Instrumentalities (I)
The instrumentality used by Torvald to Nora to transfer the message to each other is address form.
g) Norms (N)
The specific behaviors that attack to Torvald and Nora’s speaking is following with the manner when they were take a conversation. The volume, pitch of voice, sequencing is following with the condition when the conversation happen.
h) Genres (G)
The Genre of this works is a play. The object of this research is drama/ play, which play important factor too, because we can find there are many address form used here, so it is make the researcher easier in collecting the data.
2. The purposed of Torvald in calling her wife using Pet Names are dominantly to show his affection and his domination as a husband toward Nora.
3. The address form used by Torvald to call Nora and the discourse of the story clearly identifies how address form function show the characterization of those character. Through this play, the writer had described a society’s view about the subordinate position of woman, where woman sees as the dolls for her husband, as man’s purposes and destiny, not equal in her marriage. Nora character plays as the stereotypical nineteenth century woman, continually showing her need for individuality and lack of dependency. Her marriage was a paternalistic relationship where by Torvald treated Nora like a child, more like daughter rather than his wife. Her role in her marriage is that of a doll, her house is a “Doll’s House,” and indeed her husband Tovarld refers to her incessantly as his “little lark” and his “squirrel.”
4. Throughout these address forms; it can reveal the relationship between the address and addresser in this play, Nora and Torvald as a marriage-couple in the Victorian Age in the late of nineteenth century. From the address form usage, it can conclude that their relationship was as marriage-couple, in unequal relationship, in which husband as the absolutely dominant.

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Stroke; Deviant language and speech disorder as the effects of Brain Damaged


Each people might be has a linguistic system in their brain that gives them the ability to speak and to understand speech. Since this linguistic information is in the brains of people, the properties of its underlying network ought to provide clues to its neurocognitive basis.
The brain is one of the most delicate parts of the human body. The brain controls human body movements, processes information from the outside world and make a change us to communicate with others. Therefore, our language competences are actually can not be separated from the brain function. In short, there are the “positive” correlation between language and brain.
The brain has two hemispheres: the left and the right hemisphere. Each hemisphere is consisting of four lobes. Each of the four lobes of each cerebral hemisphere has its own particular physical and mental functions. The other parts of brain are the brain stem and the cerebellum. Then, the part of brain which has the function to maintain human language and speech communication is the left hemisphere.
A stroke disease occurs when part of the brain stops working because of problems with its blood supply. Some strokes are caused by the blockage of a blood vessel with a blood clot and a blood vessel ruptures.
A stroke is an example of the disease caused of brain injury, which later the effects after it make the problem in production speech communication.
In this paper, the writer tries to give information about the correlation between language and brain by using the example and focused on Stroke disease as the right example to show of the brain damaged. Later, this brain damaged makes the impairment in language production.


A stroke, also more popular called as cerebrovascular accident (CVA), is an acute neurological injury in which the blood supply to a part of the brain is interrupted. It is means that, stroke involves sudden loss of neuronal function due to disturbance in cerebral perfusion. This disturbance in perfusion is commonly arterial, but can be venous.
The part of the brain with disturbed perfusion no longer receives adequate oxygen. This initiates the ischemic cascade which causes brain cells to die or be seriously damaged, impairing local brain function.
Stroke is a medical emergency and can cause permanent neurological damage or even death if not promptly diagnosed and treated.
Many times, the cause of the brain injury is a stroke. A stroke occurs when, for some reason, blood is unable to reach a part of the brain. Brain cells die when they do not receive their normal supply of blood, which carries oxygen and important nutrients.

The symptoms of stroke depend on the type of stroke and the area of the brain affected and the cause. These are several stroke symptoms, such as:
• Sudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body (hemiparesis)
• Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding (dysarthria),
• Blurred or poor vision in one or both eyes, temporary loss of vision (typically amaurosis fugax).
• Sudden trouble walking, unexplained dizziness, loss of balance or coordination and an unexplained fall.
• Sudden severe headache with no known cause.
• Difficulty swallowing and loss of consciousness.

There are two main types of stroke that are:
1. Ischemic stroke is caused by blockage of a blood vessel. It occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms and blocks blood flow in an artery bringing blood to part of the brain. Blood clots usually form in arteries damaged by fatty buildups, called atherosclerosis. When the blood clot forms within an artery of the brain, it's called cerebral thrombosis stroke. These often occur at night or first thing in the morning.
2. Hemorrhagic stroke is caused by bleeding. Bleeding strokes have a much higher fatality rate than strokes caused by clots. A subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel on the brain's surface ruptures and bleeds into the space between the brain and the skull (but not into the brain itself). A cerebral hemorrhage occurs when a defective artery in the brain bursts, flooding the surrounding tissue with blood.

Some stroke risk factors are caused hereditary. Beside it, the others are a function of natural processes and might be the result from a person's lifestyle. These are the several risk factor of Stroke:

a. Modifiable Risk factors
• High Blood Pressure- It is the most important controllable risk factor for stroke. Many people believe the effective treatment of high blood pressure is a key reason for the accelerated decline in the death rates for stroke.
• High Cholesterol- A major risk factors for heart disease -- the higher your blood cholesterol level, the greater your risk for developing heart disease or having a heart attack. People with high blood cholesterol have an increased risk for stroke.
• Physical Inactivity- One of the most important means of preventing cardiovascular disease. So go on a brisk walk, take the stairs, and do whatever you can to make your life more active
• Diabetes- Having diabetes increases a person's risk of stroke.
• Carotid or other artery disease- The carotid arteries carry blood to the brain. If these arteries are diseased- e.g., narrowed by fatty deposits, there is a greater risk for stroke.
• Heart disease- Having heart disease, such as coronary artery disease, increase the risk of having a stroke. If we've had a heart attack, we're at higher risk of having a stroke, too. People with coronary heart disease or heart failure have a higher risk of stroke.
• Obesity- Being overweight increases your risk of developing high blood cholesterol and diabetes – two important risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
• Transient Ischemic Attack - Small strokes that last for only a few hours; a warning sign that a more disabling event may follow.
• Atrial Fibrillation - The most common cause of stroke among older adults. This heart rhythm disorder raises the risk for stroke.
• Cigarette smoking — in recent years, studies has shown cigarette smoking to be an important risk factor for stroke. The nicotine and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke damage the cardiovascular system in many ways.
• Poor diet — Diets high in saturated fat, Trans fat and cholesterol can raise blood cholesterol levels. Diets high in sodium (salt) can contribute to increased blood pressure. Diets with excess calories can contribute to obesity. Also, a diet containing five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day may reduce the risk of stroke.

b. Nonmodifiable Risk Factors:
• Age - The risk of stroke increases with age; But, the chance of having a stroke more than doubles for each decade of life after age 55. While stroke is common among the elderly, a lot of people under 65 also have strokes. However, stroke affects people of all ages, even children.
• Family History - The risk of stroke is highest among people with a blood relative who has had a stroke. Your stroke risk is greater if a parent, grandparent, sister or brother has had a stroke.
• Sex (gender) — Men have a greater risk of heart attack than women, and they have attacks earlier in life. Stroke is more common in men than in women.

c. There are other, less well-documented risk factors
• Geographic location — Strokes are more common in the southeastern United States than in other areas. These are the so-called "stroke belt" states.
• Socioeconomic factors — there is some evidence that strokes are more common among low-income people than among more affluent people.
• Alcohol abuse — Alcohol abuse can lead to stroke
• Drug abuse —Drugs that are abused, including cocaine, amphetamines and heroin, have been associated with an increased risk of stroke.

• Have your blood pressure regularly checked by your doctor.
• Maintain a healthy weight for your height.
• Exercise regularly.
• Choose a low fat, high fibre, low fat diet diet.
• Limit or moderate salt intake.
• Limit alcohol intake to four standard drinks per day (for men) and two standard drinks per day (for women).
• Stop and Give up smoking
• Limit alcohol consumption
• Take antihypertensive medications to help control high blood pressure.
• Monitor the blood sugar levels regularly.
• Choose fresh rather than processed foods.
• Increase the intake of vegetables, fruit and whole grains.
• Cut out or reduce sugary and fatty foods like cakes, lollies and junk food.
• Make healthy diet and lifestyle choices

The brain can be considered as a four-part organ, which includes the right and left hemispheres, the cerebellum and the brain stem. A stroke has different effects, depending on which part of the brain is targeted during the attack.
1. The Right hemisphere.
The functions of the right hemisphere include perception and control of the left side of the body. A stroke which affects the right hemisphere can cause many changes, including:
• The inability to judge distances, which can lead to falls or loss of hand-to-eye coordination.
• Short term memory loss.
• Neglecting or ignoring anything situated to the left of the body.
• Impulsive behaviour.
• Paralysis of the left side of the body (‘left hemiplegia’).

2. The left hemisphere
The functions of the left hemisphere include speech and control of the right side of the body. A stroke affecting the left hemisphere can cause many changes, including:
• Paralysis of the right side of the body (‘right hemiplegia’)
• Various problems with speech and communication
• Short term memory loss
3. The brain stem
The major functions of the brain stem include breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. A stroke which affects the brain stem can cause many changes, including:

• Complete paralysis
• Coma
• Double vision
• Swallowing difficulties
• Death.

4. The cerebellum
The functions of the cerebellum include coordination and balance. A stroke affecting the cerebellum can cause many changes, including:

• Dizziness
• Nausea and vomiting
• Loss of coordination
• A tendency to unbalance and fall
• Slurred speech.


Stroke is one example of deviant caused from brain damaged. Most stroke risk factors are lifestyle related, so everyone has the power to reduce their risk of having a stroke. Some stroke risk factors are gender, age and family history. Lifestyle factors that increase the risk of stroke include high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, heavy drinking, heart disease, obesity, atrial fibrillation, poor diet and physical inactivity (lack of exercise).
A stroke has different effects, depending on which part of the brain is targeted during the attack. A stroke interrupts blood flow to an area of the brain. The brain is divided into two sides or hemispheres, each of which controls the opposite side of the body and different areas of activity.
The left hemisphere for example controls cognition (thinking), movement and sensation on the right side of the body and difficulties in language or language impairments.
Stroke itself affecting the left hemisphere can cause many changes; one of them is various problem in production speech in communication. That is, the difficulties involving in understanding spoken and written language, speaking (dysphasia, aphasia), reading, writing and calculation.
Language problems involve having difficulties understanding what a word means or saying a word. The stroke patient may be know what they want to say, but simply they can not get their brain to connect that word and they can not say it, or they may be have trouble understanding how sentences are put together. Speech problems have more to do with actual articulation. They can not coordinate their talking as well as they used to. They simply have trouble speaking and their speech is slurred or somehow difficult to understand.

REFFERENCES (Taken on January 2, 2007) (Taken on January 2, 2007) (Taken on January 5, 2007) (Taken on January 6, 2007)

What is Denotation and Connotation??????

A Red, Red Rose
(Robert Burns)

Oh my luve is like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June:
Oh my luve is like the melodie,
That's sweetly play'd in tune.

As fair art thou, my bonie lass,
So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
Till a' the seas gang dry.

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
While the sands o' life shall run.

And fare thee weel, my only luve!
And fare thee weel a while!
And I will come again, my luve,
Tho' it were ten thousand mile!


a. Denotation meaning
Denotation as in poetry is the literal meaning of a word (the "dictionary definition").
b. Connotation meaning
Connotation is the suggestive meaning of a word or the associations that are connected to a certain word or the emotional suggestions related to that word.


1) Line 1
Oh my luve is like a red, red rose,
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
my luve A deep affection or fondness It is refers to human being (boy/girl) as a beloved one.
a red, red rose, Sweet-smiling flower that grows on bush and usually have thorn It is refers to inanimate object (‘poet’s lover’ who is very beautiful and youthful).

2) Line 2
That's newly sprung in June:
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
newly sprung The season which coming between winter and summer, in which plants begin to grow It is refers to the time when it’s as the time to start newly hoping/raise a beautiful moment in love.

3) Line 3
Oh my luve is like the melodie,
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
my luve A deep affection or fondness It is refers to human being (boy/girl) as a beloved one.
the melodie, A piece of song or music with clear or simple tune/the arrangement of musical notes in a pleasant or ordered way It is refers to something/somebody who is very beautiful, has an inner beauty, and pleasant in her way.

4) Line 4
That's sweetly play'd in tune.
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
play'd in tune It is refers to the poet’s lover who is very polite when the poet’s lover is speaking.

5) Line 5
As fair art thou, my bonie lass,
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
fair art thou,
my bonie lass,

6) Line 6
So deep in luve am I;
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
So deep The condition which is extending a long way from top to bottom It is refers to the poet’s feeling to his/her lover is deepest in love/ in love very much.

7) Line 7
And I will luve thee still, my dear,

8) Line 8
Till a' the seas gang dry.
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
a' the seas gang dry It is refers to the bad condition which will be happened, or the ever lasting love.

9) Line 9
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,

10) Line 10
And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
melt wi' the sun; It is refers to how deepest the poet’s feeling to his/her lover.

11) Line 11
And I will luve thee still, my dear,

12) Line 12
While the sands o' life shall run.
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
sands o' life Very small fine grains of rock

13) Line 13
And fare thee weel, my only luve!
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
fare thee weel, Saying goodbye for a moment It is refers to the promise to return again

14) Line 14
And fare thee weel a while!
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
fare thee weel Saying goodbye for a moment in a journey. It is refers to the promise to return again

15) Line 15
And I will come again, my luve,
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
my luve, A deep affection or fondness It is refers to human being (boy/girl) as a beloved one

16) Line 16
Tho' it were ten thousand mile!
Denotation Meaning Connotation Meaning
it were ten thousand mile! A far/long distance around 1000 mile It is refers to the ever lasting love until of time and the changes that result

Native speaker teacher versus English teacher (Method of TEFL 2)

Which one is better taught by the native speaker or by English teacher??This type of question might rise in every people who has deep consideration to the English teaching and process. Some people said that the native speaker better in teaching the students, because some people argue that they know more than Indonesian. But the other ones might be gave their opinion that, every teacher wherever he/she came from, if they have good teaching ability, they can be a good English teacher. Therefore, in this writing, I tried to present some arguments related to this issue.
Personally, my argument about which one is better taught by the native speaker or English teacher, who are Indonesian, since our context here is in Indonesia. I answer this question by saying that Indonesian teacher can be better in teaching English than the native ones. Because English is world language, it is not owned by certain country. This is the way how English will be converted to various styles. Due to the growth of multiculturalism, all English speakers have the same right to use it in their own way. Furthermore foreign language does not require native speaker, since even local teacher, like us (Indonesian teacher) can understand the approach, the technique, and the method to teacher better. This is what we call as local wisdom which rejects domination and marginalization.

My First Experience in Learning English (Method of TEFL 1)

Talking about my last experience related with my first experience in studying English actually is not easy one for me. Since, I do not know how to start my story. But, well, I’ll try as well as I can.
First time I got English subject is at my Junior High School, it means that the previous time at Kindergarten or Elementary School, I do not have gotten it yet. I got it first time at my first grade at Junior High School, exactly at SMP Negeri 1 Sragen, which is located in Jalan Raya Sukowati 160, Sragen, Central Java. I felt so nervous when the teacher came to the class to taught English in his first meeting. The teacher’s way in teaching were speaking/explaining the material, and the students were listened to him. Sometimes he asked the students to repeat the sentence after him and tried to speak about daily activities in the form of some expression in Speaking Section. In Listening Section, we seldom went to the Language laboratory for listening English cassette etc, I do not know why. The other time, we were asked to learn how to write a simple paragraph. Learning English at school, I think was not enjoyable enough since it only held in classroom, not so creative.
While at English Course, I felt more interesting than at school. I joined English course at YES. YES (Youth English Course) is such kind of English course which is located in Ringroad Street, Karanggunan, Tangkil, Sragen. Here, I could improve more and got English more. I loved with its tutors. The ways of teaching which are conducted by the tutor were so amazing for me. The tutor could share their idea, views, and experience deeply in how the easiest way of learning English. The program which was conducted by this course is English Fun Learning. They known how to teach and learn for certain age range of learners/students. What I mean here is, they know how to teach kids class program, how to teach the general class, etc. of course they used different technique when they taught Junior High School and Conversation class for staff. Furthermore sometime, we also went to our environment (outdoor meeting). There, we could learn by using things in our nature, like, tress, flower, animal, and other object for help us in learning English. Of course I like with this activity, due to I could get out from classroom. Since I know, children at Junior High School want free from class. It seemed very boring when we study just at class forever. Moreover, the experience which I could never forget is on the final activities in my program at YES, my program held English Fun in Borobudur Temple, Magelang. It is my oral test in this course, so when we were conducting this study tour, we were practicing our speaking skill by speaking with foreign tourism there. So, that’s why I said that learning English at this institution is more enjoyable.
Finally, at this time I can take a conclusion that not all people, not all teacher can teach since teaching is not an easy thing. We should know more about the best and the most suitable approach, method, and technique for a certain group of learners.

Art Therapy in SPEAK novel

An Analysis of Art Therapy in Speak Healing Process revealed by Melinda as the Protagonist Character in Anderson’s novel SPEAK

Rape abuse phenomenon goes largely across the region. Report about Rape and Sexual Assault : RCC Fact Sheets about Rape and Sexual Assault : Rape Crisis Center Statistics, in 1990 rape rose faster than any other crime in the United States. The number of rapes reported to police exceeded 100,000 for the first time. It is estimated that the actual number of rapes was between 1.3 and 2 million, which makes the U.S. rape rate the world's highest. (Senate Judiciary Committee Study on Violence Against Women, March 1991)
While, the number of unreported rape cases is 83% of raped adolescents, 71.4% of raped young adults, and 68.4% of raped adults (Kilpatrick, 1990). For year following rape, 60 % of survivor experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and 16 % still suffer from emotional problem 15 years following the rape (HRS Rape Awareness Program, Tallahassee, FL 1987). These report shows the reader that the frequency of rape has the high rate, and get higher and higher recent years.
The victim of rape abuse would be better try to deal their pain with therapy technique, which called as healing process. In general, people who have been in traumatic condition, like rape, can never forget it. The entire people, child, youth, adult people, who have been in traumatic rape can never forget its disgrace. But, Healing process is one of the solution, although healing from traumatized rape is not easy thing and sometimes almost impossible. Since healing is an involved process that must involve all aspects of life and must handle the deepest places inside the victim. But, believe it, with healing process, the victim can involves a change in manner that changes their every aspect of life. With therapy and the right people around them, sometimes they are able to accept and healing it in periodically.
In today’s society, many therapies exist: art therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy, modeling, painting, theatre, and journal therapy. Art therapy, sometimes called creative arts therapy or expressive arts therapy, which define as a form of expressive therapy that uses art materials, such as paints, chalk and markers. The goal is to encourage people to express and understand emotions through artistic expression and through the creative process. For instance; Songs that make the survivor feel good as a woman are terrific, like Enya’s The Beautiful or Donna's Survivor Jukebox, where the listener can find more than 300 songs pertaining to rape, domestic violence and surviving or healing. Besides that, also Rhianna, who was also a survivor of sexual violence, in her journal stated that there was something safe and healing about writing, poetry, and the visual arts. She was also certified as a Poetry and Journal-Writing Therapist in the 90's and commenced on a Master's of Arts program in Counseling, integrating arts with traditional healing processes.
Based on the explanation above, the essay discusses about speaks healing process with art therapy through a novel. Realizing that these topics are carried much contribution in youth-adult life especially who get deep traumatic condition because of rape abuse, so there are many author written many works of arts, for instance; novel, which is voiced, critic and give many contribution in the female’s struggle for surviving from her rape because of pains. Anderson with her novel entitled Speak, the object of this essay, is a novel which clearest vividly this condition.
As depicted vividly in the novel “Speak” by Anderson, the writer has found the phenomenon related to the art therapy used in speak healing process revealed by the protagonist character. The theme is about rape and depression. It is tells the story of teenager female, named Melinda Sordino who eventual emergence as a rape victim. One night, she goes to a party with three other friends and because of get drink, she is raped by a senior, Andy Evans. After that accident, she has not been able to speak clearly. This abuse forces her into silence and radically changes her life. She would not speak and spends hours alone or working on her art project.
Steiner (1969), state that silence period viewed as a characteristic of humans. Silence viewed as the realization of deep emotions or embarrassments condition. It is used to maintain the secrets and distance with other people, and sometimes it is can be used as a form of social control also. Person, like Melinda, who has violated a social norm, like rape-victim, is treated with silence. In other word, the buried of speaking is to view another side of sexual violence and its impact on the lives of victims and survivors from rape.
According to the background of the essay above, the writer would like to analysis the phenomenon related with speak healing period by art therapy revealed by Melinda as the protagonist characters in Anderson’s novel Speak.
After finished reading the novel, the reader knows that Melinda, the protagonist character who suffer from childhood disgrace because of raped by her senior, have no idea how handling her bad experiences can be to tell others. During the next year she slowly recovers from her trauma of rape while being disliked by the entire school members. She contact with a few special people, the art teacher and a few students in her art class. With this condition, she finds a “safe place” in art class, with Mr. Freeman as the art tecaher.
Melinda’s healing process slowly begins when in the art-class, she is assigned to draw a tree that to make it represent something. Unintentionally she creates a tree that allows her mourning show through. Her art-teacher, Mr. Freeman, is the only person who encourages her and helps her to express herself. It is vividly describe from the beginning of the novel when Mr. Freeman tells the students in the class that his is

“Welcome to the only class that will teach you how to survive”…”Welcome to Art” (p.10).

The fact said that Mr. Freeman is right, in the end of the novel the same thing happened, his class is the only one class that make his student get survive from the pain. His class is the only one that in due course teaches Melinda how to survive. It is in his class that, Melinda is able to piece together into a coherent whole her fragmented self, which in roll finally gives her the bravery to speak.
During this lesson, Mr. Freeman makes Melinda draw a tree all semester surprisingly. Here, as the art teacher, he use the power of art therapy with Melinda, he ask her to draw trees in order to evaluate how she feel about herself at the moment. Theoretically, in art lesson the way in drawing and painting something can be carried or represent certain meaning. It is also represent the characteristic or the condition of the painter. Here, this point of view was used by Mr. Freeman to know what real happen to Melinda and through it, he would like to help Melinda survive from her tenderness.
The trees that Melinda draws throughout the year, as well as the trees she thinks about in her mind, represent how she feels about herself. Melinda begins by painting trees sthat have been hit by lightening and are nearly dead.

“For a solid week, ever since the pep rally, I’ve been painting watercolor of tress that have been hit by lightening, I try to paint them so they are nearly dead, but not toally” (p.30)

Through this scene, the teacher and the reader in general was know how the early Melinda’s psychological condition. But, in the end of the art-class, the form of drawing a tree that has both healthy new growth and birds in its branches, but old diseased branches too.
“… So I’m staying after school on the very, very last day for one last try at getting my tree right. …. “My tree is definitely breathing; little shallow breaths like it just shot up through the ground this morning. This one is not perfectly symmetrical. The bark is rough. I try to make it look as if initials had been carved in it a long time ago. One of the lower branches is sick. If this tree really lives someplace, that branch better drop soon, so it doesn’t kill the whole thing. Roots knob out of the ground and the crown reaches for the sun, tall, and healthy. The new growth is the best part.” (p.196).

This quotation from the novel p.196 is representing how Melinda’s concept of herself has been transformed throughout the year. She begins by feeling destroyed like the tree struck by lightening that she draws, but in the ends feeling that she will be able to deal with the experience of being raped and move on her life. She is symbolized a tree that has diseased branched, but then healthy growth, and then can continue to the live. By starting drawing the tree in Mr. Freeman class and the time would show what is better for herself, it is give more freedom especially for herself. In fact through art therapy in art class, Melinda helps herself in peeping out the ''window'' of art from her “inner prison”.
In deed, the goal of healing process is peacefulness, a letting go of the anger and pain, an accepting of a new life, a delight in the small things of life. For getting or for forgetting the rape abuse at all is possible, but at least by healing process, the survivor like Melinda will not be thinking about it as much. As time goes by, she might not be thinking about it at all and can letting it to start a new life.

Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak, New York: Puffin, 1999.
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